Singapore SGX News

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Forex Revolution

An Insider's Guide to the Real World of Foreign Exchange Trading

Product Description

This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook version.

"For many investors, an intense, 24-hour-a-day, $1.5 trillion roller-coaster of a market spells "danger"; for readers of Forex Revolution, the word is "opportunity."

–Michael J. Panzner, vice president, Rabo Securities USA, Inc., and author of The New Laws of the Stock Market Jungle

"The author possesses an uncommon ability to describe a difficult and rapidly changing marketplace as if seen through a beginner's eyes. A most useful book for anyone that might not have been paying attention these past five years as the market reinvented itself."

–Brentin C. Elam, director, Northcoast Asset Management, LLC

Foreign currency exchange–"Forex"–is today's #1 new investment opportunity. Revolutions in technology, regulation, and globalization have made Forex trading accessible to every active investor. Only one thing has been missing: An objective, clear "user's guide" to Forex trading. Now it's here–and it's in your hands.

Simply and clearly, Forex Revolution reveals everything you need to know to trade Forex hands-on–from fundamental and technical trading strategies to the unyielding discipline that's essential to success.

In this book, Peter Rosenstreich brings together insider techniques from all over the industry: Traders, banks, Forex firms, even the National Futures Association. You'll find expert guidance on everything from handling 24/7 markets to profiting from the emergence of China.

Unlike other books, Forex Revolution doesn't require you to subscribe to costly services or purchase expensive tools. Whether you're an individual investor or a money manager new to Forex, this book gives you all you need: Facts, techniques, resources and–above all–the insider's edge.



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